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Become a Volunteer
We're a grassroots organization, and our work is driven by our members and volunteers. The more people involved in our League, the more we can fulfill our mission of empowering voters and defending democracy. To volunteer, email us at​​​
Ways to Get Involved
Voter Education: Our voter education volunteers give presentations, table at events, and coordinate candidate forums to help voters make a plan to vote and be informed about what is on their ballot.
Voter Guide: Our nonpartisan VOTE411 voter guide is our biggest program, reaching tens of thousands of North Dakota voters each election cycle. Volunteers help with candidate outreach and promote the guide in their communities.
Election Observation: Becoming an election observer is a great way you can support free and fair elections in your community. Observers are trained, then head out to their local polling place to observe and report back to us on the voting experience.
Advocacy: Advocacy volunteers provide support for our policy priorities through writing testimony, watching committee hearings, submitting letters to the editor, and giving presentations.
Civics Education: Civics volunteers give civics education presentations for students and other community groups to help inform and inspire members of the public to take an active role in our democracy.​
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