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Making Democracy Work

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Stay informed and take action on voting and election bills with our bill tracker.

Preview: there's a bill that's good for high school student voters.

If you live near West Fargo, join us for a free How to Run for Office Class on January 30.
Event Info


The Red River Valley League sent out their e-newsletter to ring in the New Year. Read more

Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy.

The League of Women Voters of North Dakota is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization working to protect and expand voting rights, build grassroots power in our communities, and ensure everyone is represented in our democracy. 

Get Involved

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The League is a powerful, grassroots membership organization that works to educate voters and make government more accountable to the people.

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Your contribution goes towards our voter outreach and education projects, civic engagement, and advocacy work.


Volunteers are vital to our success. There are many ways to get involved with the League depending on your interest, skills, and availability.

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