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Our Platform

Expanding Voter Access

We fight to increase voters’ access to the polls, including expanding early voting, automatic and online voter registration.  


Congressional districts and government legislative bodies should be apportioned substantially on population. We oppose partisan and racial gerrymandering that strips rights away from voters.

Money in Politics

Elections should be about the voters not big money interests. It’s time to limit SuperPACs and secret donors to protect representative democracy.

Fighting Voter Suppression 

We challenge all efforts and tactics that threaten our democracy and limit the ability of voters to exercise their right to vote.

To learn about more about issues that the League of Women Voters champions, visit: 

Resources & Toolkits

Ranked Choice & Approval Voting Explained

More attention has been given to alternative voting methods in recent years. Fargo adopted approval voting in 2018, and, in 2023, the state legislature attempted to pass a law banning ranked choice and approval voting in North Dakota elections. This guide gives some background, defines terms, and shares visuals about these voting methods for you to learn more.

Election Observation Toolkit (Updated 2022)

LWV is pleased to offer an updated guide to nonpartisan election observation work. This resource guide draws heavily on lessons learned by the League of Women Voters of Maine and Wisconsin, as well as other Leagues across the country. Observation programs help ensure that all eligible voters can exercise their right to vote and empower Leagues to gather information about what’s working and what’s not so the process can be improved.

Power the Polls

Our democracy depends on ordinary people who make sure every election runs smoothly and everyone's vote is counted. You can make sure we have safe, fair, and efficient elections for all: step up and become a poll worker in your community this year.

Abolishing the Electoral College Resources

During the League’s 2022 Convention, LWVUS board president Dr. Turner announced the League’s next “moonshot” goal: abolition of the Electoral College, which falls under the campaign for Making Democracy Work® under Improving Elections. As an organization whose mission is to empower voters and defend democracy, the League of Women Voters has long supported the direct election of the president.

ERA Toolkit

LWVUS has supported and pushed for ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment (ERA) since it was first passed by Congress in 1972. In January of 2020, Virginia became the 38th and final state needed to ratify the ERA. As the ERA has met all requirements to be added to the US Constitution, the League is pushing for Congress to officially recognize it as the 28th Amendment! In this toolkit, you will find resources and tools for Leagues to use in our nationwide push for ERA inclusion in the Constitution. 

Impact on Issues

A guide designed to help League members use LWVUS public policy positions effectively at the national, state, local, and regional levels. The intention is to inspire Leagues to use national positions to act in their own communities.

Recommended Reading List

Click here for a list of the Red River Valley League's past First Friday topics

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